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Java Applet InforceNet: Tree-Lists and Site-Maps

Inforce Your WebSite InforceNet is a JavaApplet, which presents an arbitrary collection of webpages in the form of an interactive Tree-List (see left) and/or an interactive Page-Map (e.g. Inforce Site-Map). You can easily create these treelists and sitemaps with InforceNetWizard. Download it now.

With InforceNet you can thus
  provide easy navigational help for visitors of your website
  provide direct access to all pages of your website
  make surfing your site faster through short descriptions of every page beforehand
  give a good and fast overview of your website or a subject by a sitemap/pagemap.
  incorporate other external links to the treelist or sitemap.

This Java Applet offers for

  U s e r s

      Easier Navigation through a WWW-Tree-List and hierarchical Page-Map
      Faster Overview over all Webpages of a site or a topic
      Direct access to all pages of a Web-Site
      Direct access to all other relevant WWW-pages
      Short Description for every Web-Page beforehand
      Icons indicate the webpage or type of webpage
      Data is stored off-page, so that it is loaded only once even if visible on multiple pages.
      Generally short time for loading.

  W e b - S i t e - D e v e l o p e r s

      Easy implementation of navigational help for users
      Simultaneous implementation of a corresponding Site-Map without overhead
      Incorporation of other relevant off-site pages (e.g. search-engines)
      Structuring of webpages is independent of directory structure
      Very flexible and adaptable (colors, backgrounds, borders), so that it fits seamlessly into your design
      It's free

The Inforce Site-Map gives you a functional-example of a page-map and on the upper left part of this page or any other page of this site you can see a tree-list in action.If your browser doesn't run Java, you can see an example screenshot of a site-map, an example screenshot of a treelist, created with Inforce NetNavigation.

You can download the Java-Applet by clicking here.
If you have questions, remarks or wishes concerning this Applet, simply send a mail.

InforceNet Wizard for Windows 95/NT

The informations about the web-pages, shown in the tree-list or the page-map is stored in a file, which is then loaded by the Java-Applet. This has the advantage, that these informations only have to be loaded once, even if the navigational help is visible on multiple pages. This datafile is created easily with the Win 95/NT-Application "InforceNetWizard".

  F e a t u r e s

      Visual creating and editing of the data-file.
      Easy restructering of the whole hierarchical tree by Drag&Drop.
      Supports duplicating (aliasing) of webpages, so that the user sees the same webpage via different access paths with no overhead for the developer.
      Up to 32 000 Webpages in 100 Levels per data-file.
      Its free for private persons or people in educational places.
      All others can test the tool for 30 days. After this period, the price is only DM 99,-.

To download the Web-Tool, click here. Click here to see an example screenshot.
If you have questions, remarks or wishes concerning this WebTool, simply send a mail. If you want to order, just click here.

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Inforce 2000
Inforce 2000 ist nun verfügbar. Ob Sie Ihre Datenbestände auf einfache Weise ins Internet stellen wollen, Bookmarks teamweit sammeln möchten, Ihre Projekte oder Dokumente managen möchten, Inforce macht es für Sie ganz einfach.
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Last update: 29.4.2000. Powered by Schlund + Partner.